
Thursday 24 April 2014

Eat Stop Eat- The New Expanded Version Review

Clinical Research Proves Eat Stop Eat Will Help You Lose Weight, Get Rid of Ugly Body Fat
And Naturally Stimulate Fat Burning Hormones
In as Little as 24 Hours...

Without Sacrificing Your Metabolism
or Hard-Earned Muscle
Introducing the New and Expanded Edition of Eat Stop Eat!
With all new information on why Eat Stop Eat may be your BEST fat loss solution if:
You want to have a healthy metabolism while losing weight
     (The metabolism chapter)

You want to build muscle while losing fat
     (The muscle building chapter)

You want the benefits of cellular cleansing
     (The cellular cleansing chapter)

You are a man OR woman who wants to lose weight
     (The gender differences chapter)

Dear friend,

If you’ve found this site then you are probably looking for a great weight loss and fat burning program and may have already heard about Eat Stop Eat. Most likely, you’ve read about Eat Stop Eat somewhere on the internet, have seen it on TV, or in a documentary and are curious about what this book is all about and who wrote it.

Well let me be right up front with you, My name is Brad Pilon and I wrote Eat Stop Eat to help people understand the amazing weight loss results they can get by using a specific system of short periods of fasting combined weight training, and to realize the amazing benefits that this combination can have on their bodies, their metabolism and their muscles.

Now, I know what you are thinking, ‘Did he just say fasting?’. Yes, Fasting. But, before you read any further, let me assure you, with Eat Stop Eat, your metabolism will not slow down, you will not lose muscle, your workouts will not suffer, and you will not become a ravenous eating machine. After all, there's fasting for weight loss, then there's Eat Stop Eat.

Eat Stop Eat is the sneaky little weight loss trick that's been right under your nose the whole time...

With Eat Stop Eat you will lose weight, quicker and easier than ever before, and almost all of that weight will come from your body fat! You won't feel deprived or go days on end without eating (In fact, with Eat Stop Eat you still eat every single day).

I understand this may seem a little confusing, after all you've probably heard of things like ‘starvation mode’, and the benefits of eating multiple small meals during the day.

So how can so many people be raving about the Eat Stop Eat program if it involves short periods of fasting? Wouldn’t they all just go into starvation mode, lose muscle and stop losing weight? Or worse, wouldn't they actually start to gain body fat?

After all, isn't that why we're supposed to eat protein every 3 to 4 hours, and why we're supposed to cycle our carbs, and never eat less than 2,000 Calories in a day?

As you've probably already guessed, most diet info is NONSENSE and does nothing other than make losing weight even more difficult...

In reality, many of these so called “diet truths” are actually incorrect. In fact, they are lies - all based on the principle that you must keep eating to lose weight. This idea has never made any sense to me, yet the diet industry keeps on trying to convince you that in order to lose weight you must keep eating! After all, if you have to keep eating to lose weight then there must be special ways to eat to lose fat. Special complicated ways.

Look, I'll be right up front with you - the idea of eating more to lose weight is both silly and dangerous.

There are literally billions of dollars being spent every year on weight loss and diet books. It seems like each day a new book comes out telling you what you need to eat to start losing weight.

I'll be the first to admit that many of these programs will work, at least for the first month or two (as long as you are restricting your calories), but none of them can promise long-lasting weight loss. They are simply too restrictive, too complicated and let’s face it, some of these diets can consume your life. You can spend your entire day planning and preparing your meals!

It's a Trap! A trap meant to keep you jumping from diet to the next, hopelessly searching for the secret 'special way' to eat for weight loss.

Trust me, if you want to lose weight this sort of obsessive compulsive eating is simply not needed.
Eat Stop Eat outlines the real reasons behind why people are successful at losing weight and burning body fat without following some ridiculously difficult weight loss program.

In fact, I created Eat Stop Eat to be an "ANTI-DIET" for people that are sick and tired of trying to measure out and eat 6 small meals per day. Bored to death of trying to balance their macro-nutrient ratios and hate the idea of spending one more day trying to figure out how to cycle their calories. If you are frustrated and overwhelmed by trying to follow the rules of "bodybuilder style nutrition", then Eat Stop Eat is for you.

And best of all, even though it's not complicated or difficult to do, Eat Stop Eat creates the optimal metabolic environment for burning body fat.

Growth Hormone up, Insulin down, balanced cortisol and healthy adrenals - The 24 hour 'Perfect Storm' for shedding body fat at record speed...

After reading Eat Stop Eat, I'm willing to bet that you will tell your friends and family that Eat Stop Eat is the easiest, most flexible fasting diet plan you've ever seen. And after Trying Eat Stop Eat I'm willing to bet you also say it's the easiest fat loss you've ever experienced.

Eat Stop Eat is the ultimate carb cycling diet. It's also the ultimate protein cycling, calorie cycling, fat cycling, sodium cycling diet you will ever try.
If you're anything like me and the millions of other people out there who have ever tried to lose weight, you know that dieting is not fun. It's months of pain and suffering, and never being able to eat the foods you love. It's saving up all your favorite foods for the occasional cheat day (if you're lucky) and it's a slow inevitable march towards failure. Just about every diet can make you miserable.

I've never met a single person who actually enjoys constantly obsessing over food or pretending that being irritable and cranky is just a sign of their awesome 'dedication' to their diet.

Dieting every day and THINKING about dieting every day can drain the life right out of you.

This isn't because you're weak, or because you're not dedicated enough - it's like this for EVERYONE

And I should know. I have spent my life studying nutrition and weight loss, and I have taken a very unusual path that ultimately led me to writing Eat Stop Eat.

For starters, I have an honors degree in nutrition. So I understand the classic academic approach to how we should eat. I spent four years of university studying all of the typical ‘eat less calories than you burn’ type of stuff you need to know to become a dietitian.

Now here’s were it gets interesting, right after university, instead of becoming a dietitian, I started working in the weight loss industry. From managing the R&D department of a very successful sports supplement company to consulting start up companies, manufacturers and top fitness magazines, I have seen the inner working of the industry that only a privileged few have ever seen.

Sure, a lot of people like to talk about supplements, but how many have actually helped design some of the most popular products on the market? You can talk all you want, but until you have actually worked on the inside, you really have no idea how the weight loss and supplement industry works.

I know the true secrets behind 'Hope in a Bottle' weight loss pills and here it is: There isn't a pill in the world that can cause the kind of fat burning that Eat Stop Eat can create in 24 hours...

During my time in the industry part of my responsibilities included traveling the world learning about potential cures for obesity (weight loss supplements are big money, so the first company to come out with a new ingredient that actually worked would be making billions).

From China, Germany, Scotland, England and all over North America, I have had the privilege of meeting some of the world’s greatest minds in nutrition and weight loss.

Not only have I been lucky enough to travel the world but I have also had unlimited access to state of the art exercise physiology equipment, the kind of equipment that would make many University laboratories green with envy.

With this equipment I was able to conduct multiple body composition tests on numerous athletes and top level bodybuilders and monitor them while they dieted and tried new experimental weight loss programs.

This was cutting edge science being performed on men and women who were losing UNBELIEVABLE amounts of weight while becoming incredibly lean and muscular...

In fact, it was these experiments that ultimately led me to leave the industry and pursue graduate studies in human biology and nutritional sciences.

Many of the experiments I conducted had results that were VERY different from what I expected, and I soon realized that if I were to truly understand nutrition’s role in weight loss, then I would have to start from the very beginning and study what happens to the body when it goes without ANY food.

Believe it or not, Eat Stop Eat is actually all the research from the scientific reviews I completed in graduate school on the benefits of fasting for weight loss and for health.

That’s right, my research was on ‘The Metabolic Effects of Short Periods of Fasting in Humans and its Potential Application in Weight Loss’, so in essence when you read Eat Stop Eat what you are really reading is an easy to read version of my graduate education!

"...Eat Stop Eat helped me throw away my bad habits and my addiction to eating..."
Hi Brad, With "Eat Stop Eat" I was able to completely overhaul my entire diet (eating whole foods, lean meats and limited processed foods), as well as eat smaller portion sizes and how to tell when I wasn’t hungry anymore. I also found certain foods that irritated my stomach and was able to get rid of them, and now feel physically better than I ever have.

When I work out, I don't feel weak or drained. My energy level and strength has not decreased and my workouts are just as good if not better than before (I can now do wide grip pull ups).

"Eat Stop Eat" helped me to throw out my bad habits and my addiction to eating and over eating, and adopt a real balanced diet I never thought I would be able to do.

Thanks for all of the work and insight

Chad Fenwick,


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